Monday, March 2, 2015

Jag heter Laura; vad heter du?

That means "My name is Laura; what is your name?" And that is about the extent of my Swedish... I've started a non-credit Swedish class woo! I figured I'd attempt to learn a little bit, but it's the third class in and I'm already a bit lost haha... I'm pretty sure our teacher thinks we're all native Swedes, because she's talking and I'm sitting here like ....what are you saying? Maybe it has to do with the class going until 8:45 pm. Have I mentioned how much I dislike night classes? :O but hey, I'm not complaining. Oh! One more thing I learned (though not through class xD thanks, Antonia), is that Torsdag (Thursday) is Thor day! I thought my mom would like that haha. We might both be a little bit in love with Thor...

I'm also in a class called Patterns and Configuration; it's basically a fabric design class. My first assignment was to create a repeat pattern. Yeah... I should've practiced drawing some more back in grade school. My work officially looked like a kindergartener's next to my classmates! Oh well, I can only get better, right? :) My next project is to design a positive to screen print with - we'll see how that one goes. *fingers crossed* 

Pattern doodling

Practicing screen printing

Jonathon and I went to Sports Saturday and played basketball with a bunch of international students. It was a lot of fun, even if our team kind of sucked. :) That night we had blistered feet and sore bodies, but no pain no gain right? 

We also got to check out the only other church in town that has English services! It was very interesting. It was made up of mostly African immigrants who loved to sing and dance, praising God. They were so sweet, and it was a fun, new experience. Below you can listen to a sound wave of their worship; I know, a bit intrusive, but I had to. :)

There were beautiful swans swimming across the lake today.

It also started to snow again. And here I thought Spring was on its way! 

Love and miss you all!


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